We are excited to announce that registrations for the 53rd SEFI Annual Conference are now…
20-24 September 2020 – Enschede, The Netherlands
Call for Contributions
Full submission deadline: 22 April 2020
Theme: Engaging Engineering Education
Engineering students engage with society designing new solutions to help solve complex problems. Interdisciplinary opportunities arise when they engage with other disciplines. Engagement of businesses and organisations helps to prepare our students for their future career. The 48th SEFI Annual Conference focuses on engaging current and future students in their education and in an engineering career by bringing together teachers, researchers, engineering professionals, students, managers, policymakers and deans in higher education. We invite you to submit your contribution to one of the following topics:
- Interdisciplinary engineering education, linking different disciplines both inside and outside engineering, linking with society.
- Engineering curriculum design, challenge-based education, maker projects, use of professional tools.
- Sustainability and ethics, embedded and dedicated approaches.
- Mathematics in the engineering curriculum.
- Physics in the engineering curriculum.
- Higher education and business: collaborations and career support.
- Diversity and inclusiveness.
- Internationalisation, exchange options, joint programs.
- Future engineering skills and talent management.
- E-learning, open and online learning, blended learning, virtual reality.
- Engineering in Schools, improving visibility of engineering disciplines.
- Niche & novel engineering education topics.
Submission formats
You can submit your interest to contribute via one of the following submission formats:
- Research paper, presenting original research following the standard practices for engineering education research. Abstract length: max. 250 words. The final length of the research paper is 6-8 p (excl references).
- Concept paper, presenting ongoing projects and completed studies of practice in engineering education. Abstract length: max. 250 words. The final length of the concept paper is 6-8 p (excl references).
- Short paper, a shortened version of a concept or research paper. Abstract length: max. 250 words. The final length of the short paper is 3-4 p (excl references).
- Workshop: an engaging and interactive session with a sound theoretical foundation and an attractive translation to the practice of engineering education. Abstract length: max. 500 words.
Session formats
We distinguish four session formats for research papers, concept papers and extended abstracts. You can indicate your preference in the submission process.
- Oral presentation
- Symposium (introductions + debate/discussion)
- Poster pitch & presentation/discussion
- Hands-on activity, workshop (40/60/80 mins)
The symposia are thematic and join a number of related papers in a discussion session that is facilitated by a discussion leader. Based on the theme of your paper, you may be invited for a specific symposium. Related to the available number of sessions and the interactivity we are aiming for, you can be kindly asked to choose a different format. We thank you for your understanding.
Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education
The 4th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research on 20 September offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and develop research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a number of well-known senior scholars within the Engineering Education Research (EER) field. During the Doctoral Symposium, the participants will share their current dissertation work with others and exchange feedback.
To this event, we now invite doctoral students in Engineering Education Research. Ideally the participants have an active PhD research plan, so they can benefit from participating in the workshop.
The aim is to provide an opportunity for doctoral students to:
- meet other students and supervisors to extend their network and view of the EER field,
- present and discuss their own work and the work of others,
- get perspectives from scholars outside their own institution,
- contribute to the conference and the SEFI EER community with other participants, and
- promote collaborative research and elaborate future research directions.
The Doctoral Symposium takes place on Sunday, 20 September 2020, as a pre-conference event to the SEFI 2020 Annual Conference at the University of Twente, Netherlands. All participants must also be registered to the main conference. For PhD students accepted to the Doctoral Symposium, the SEFI 2020 conference fee is reduced. More information will be published on the conference website www.sefi2020.eu.
Important dates SEFI2020
Abstract submission (required for all submission formats) | 15 March 2020 |
Full submission (for review) | 22 April 2020 |
Submission of abstracts doctoral symposium | 15 May 2020 |
Notification of final acceptance | 5 June 2020 |
Early Bird registration | 10 July 2020 |
Final paper submission | 2 August 2020 |
Doctoral symposium & pre-conference events | 20 September 2020 |
SEFI2020 annual conference | 21-24 September 2020 |
Contact of the organisers: SEFI2020@utwente.nl