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13th International Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering Symposium

11-15 May 2020 – Dublin, Ireland

Invitation by the organisers:

Dear Colleague

Due to a high volume of requests for more time, the committee has agreed on December 1st as the extended submission date for papers to TMCE 2020. We hope this will be enough for you to conclude the on-going work. If not, please contact us. Evidently, we must arrange the review process.

Submission date for submitting full-length papers (10-12 pages) to this Symposium has been extended to December 1st, 2019.

As per the past symposia, TMCE 2020 will also offer a rich social program in addition to a road paving professional program. There is still the opportunity to submit your work even if you missed the deadline for the submission of abstracts.

The best papers submitted to TMCE 2020 will be republished in leading international journals.

Further information on the procedure of abstract and paper submission is as follows:

Should you have any question please do not hesitate to contact us. Please kindly forward our invitation to colleagues who may be interested in submitting papers and taking part in the symposium.

We look forward to welcoming you to TMCE 2020 in Dublin Ireland. With kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Imre Horváth
Delft University of Technology

Dr. Garrett Noel Keenaghan
Technological University Dublin


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