17 March 2025, 16:00-17:00 CET
In this talk you will find out how research on compound problems and humility and curiosity might challenge underlying assumptions of the role of education and the design of learning experiences.
Open Calls – Upcoming events of interest to engineering ethics educators
SEFI Special Interest Group Workshop ‘Engineering Ethics Education’
12-13 December, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Call for registration open: contact Gunter Bombaerts g.bombaerts@tue.nl
Engineering Education for Sustainable Development biennial conference
7-10 June 2020, University College Cork, Ireland
Call for papers open (deadline 20 November)
International Consortium for Educational Development 2020
15-18 June 2020, Zurich, Switzerland
Call for papers open (deadline 17 November)
Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) Eighth Biennial Conference
7 – 10 July 2020, Michigan State University, Michigan, USA
Call for papers open (deadline 10 January 2020)
Sustainability Research and Innovation 2020
14-17 June 2020, Brisbane, Australia
Call for papers open (deadline 17 November)
The Thirteenth International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering
11-15 May 2020, TU Dublin & TU Delft, Dublin, Ireland
Call for papers open (deadline 1 November)
Paradigm Shifts in ICT Ethics: Societal Challenges in the Smart Society – 18 International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT
17-19 June 2020, Logroño, La Rioja, Spain
Call for papers open (deadline 30 October)
5th Annual Bovay Workshop: Energy Ethics
22 April 2020, Department of Philosophy, Texas A&M University, USA
Call for papers open (deadline 8 December); travel grants available
‘Social Responsibility and Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy’
edited by The UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education
Call for Publication open (deadline 31 October)
UK And Ireland 7th Engineering Education Research Network Annual Symposium
16-17 December 2019, University of Warwick, UK
New publication out in Spring 2020
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society aims to publish research on the interactions among technology, science, and society; on the impact of such interactions on individuals and society; and on the ethical, professional and social responsibility in the practice of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. First The publication accepts submissions on a rolling basis. The Transactions publishes annually in March, June, September and December. The first issue will appear in March 2020.
Recent research of interest to engineering ethics educators
Disciplinary Variations in Ethics and Societal Impact Topics Taught in Courses for Engineering Students in JOURNAL OF PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND PRACTICE
Author(s): Bielefeldt, AR; Polmear, M; Knight, D; Canney, N; Swan, C,
Engineering Ethics Education: A Comparative Study of Japan and Malaysia in SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS
Author(s): Balakrishnan, B; Tochinai, F; Kanemitsu, H
Ethical education as a pillar of the future role of higher education: Analysing its presence in the curricula of engineering courses in FUTURES
Author(s): Monteiro, F; Leite, C; Rocha, C
Analysis of the perception of engineering students regarding sustainability in JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
Author(s): Rampasso, IS; Anholon, R; Silva, D; Ordonez, REC; Santa-Eulalia, LA; Quelhas, OLG; Filho, WL; Aguirre, LFG
Understanding Cases within Professions in TEACHING ETHICS
Author(s): Robison, W. (Robison, Wade)
Challenge-based learning: the importance of world-leading companies as training partners in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING – IJIDEM
Author(s): Membrillo-Hernandez, J; Ramirez-Cadena, MJ; Martinez-Acosta, M; Cruz-Gomez, E; Munoz-Diaz, E; Elizalde, H
A Study of Cheating Beliefs, Engagement, and Perception – The Case of Business and Engineering Students in JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC ETHICS
Author(s): Ghanem, CM; Mozahem, NA