3 April 2025, 12:15-13:45 CET
In this event you will learn more about the challenges facing minority STEM students and opportunities to support their social and academic integration.
SEFI 2019 Annual Conference in Budapest
16-19 September 2019 – Budapest, HU.
This year’s SEFI conference was organised by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). The beautiful venue and the attractive programme brought together 393 participants from Europe and overseas.
The conference featured 135 Concept Papers and 61 Research papers, 33 workshops and four keynotes: EU Commissioner Tibor Navracsics (HU), Mrs Valeria Csepe, President of the Hungarian Higher Education Accreditation Committee (HU), Jian Lin, Deputy Director of the Center for Engineering Education, Tsinghua University (PRC), and Xavier Kestelyn, Vice-President for Academic and Student Affairs, School of Engineering, Arts et Métiers ParisTech (FR).
The conference is annually an opportunity to give a number of awards. This years the winners were:
Leonardo da Vinci Medal: Tibor Navracsics, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
SEFI Fellowship: Prof. Anne-Marie Jolly, Prof. Jose Carlos Quadrado and Prof. Erik de Graaff
SEFI Francesco Maffioli Award: André Baier, Blue Engineering Initiative, TU Berlin
There were four categories of best papers this year, Best Research Paper , Best Concept Paper, Best Poster Paper, Best Student Paper Award. You may find all winners here.
SEFI would like to sincerely thank the local organising committee with the Vicerector Balazs Vince Nagy, Mrs Aniko Kalman, Mrs Adrienne Fuzesi, Mrs Dora Fekete and Ms Linda Citterio for their efforts and an excellent cooperation throughout the past year.