3 April 2025, 12:15-13:45 CET
In this event you will learn more about the challenges facing minority STEM students and opportunities to support their social and academic integration.
New SEFI president, vice president, board members and SIG chairs
SEFI General Assembly held on 17/09 in Budapest elected the new officers and board members.
New president
Prof Yolande Berbers from KU Leuven in Belgium will become the new president and on 01/10/2019 Prof Berbers is a full professor in the area of computer systems research and a former Vice dean for education at the Faculty of Engineering Science at the KU Leuven. She will officially replace the out-going SEFI president, Prof Mike Murphy from TU Dublin in his position. He will continue as an adviser to the board of directors and as a member of the SEFI Steering Committee.
New Vice President
Prof Hannu-Matti Jarvinen from Tampere university in Finland will become the new vice president and will join Prof Luis Sanchez in this post.
New Board of Directors members
- Prof Greet Langie, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Dr Gillian Saunders-Smits, TU Delft, The Netherlands
- Dr Jan van der Veen, Twente University, The Netherlands
- Mr Antoine Lanthony, Supmeca Paris, France
Re-elected Board members:
- Prof Seweryn Spalek, Silesian Technical University, Poland
- Dr Neil Cooke, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Dr Fredrik Georgsson, Umea University, Sweden
We would like to thank the outgoing president Murphy for the leadership of SEFI in the past two years. We would also like to thank Prof Joao Rocha and Prof Pieter de Vries, that are now leaving the board, for their valuable contributions.
New Special Interest Group Chairs
The general assembly was presented with the new working group chairs and co-chairs:
- Dr Roland Tormey – co-chair of SIG on Ethics
- Assist. Prof. Calvin Rans – chair of SIG on Open and Online Education
- Dr Inês Direito – chair of SIG on Gender and Diversity
The complete list of board of directors and working group chairs is now updated here.