3 April 2025, 12:15-13:45 CET
In this event you will learn more about the challenges facing minority STEM students and opportunities to support their social and academic integration.
Commissioner Navracsics receives the highest distinction from SEFI
16 September 2019 – Budapest.
The Leonardo da Vinci Medal is the highest distinction SEFI can bestow. The Medal is awarded once a year to a living person who has made an outstanding contribution of international significance to engineering education. This year, SEFI awarded the medal to
EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
Mr Tibor Navracsics
In the years of Mr. Navracsics Commissioner activities, did Education and Culture move to the top of the political agenda, supporting and acknowledging the key policy initiatives aimed at providing high quality, inclusive and future-oriented education, improving key competences and digital skills and promoting common values.
The major achievements, EU policy and activity initiatives and implemented actions, earmarks and milestones during the years of Tibor Navracsics Commissioner’s service have been:
- Support the development of the Erasmus+ Programme
- Promote innovation and exchange of knowledge with initiatives such us the DigitalEducation Action Plan and the Strategic Framework for cooperation in Education and Training
- Promote the advancement of the European Degree Programme in order to build a European Education Area
- Strengthen the social cohesion and civic participation by several initiatives such as the European Solidarity Corps
We congratulate Commissioner Navracsics on his achievements and thank him for his insightful keynote speech.