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ENAEE decides to start strategic discussions with the Washington Accord

SEFI (represented by Prof. Yolande Berbers, vice-president) endorsed the decision of the European Network of Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAAE) to initiate intensive talks with the Washington Accord, a Network of Engineering Accreditation organizations worldwide.

Both networks face similar challenges and their membership is increasingly becoming intertwined.

The talks to be initiated are meant to be strategic discussions about redefining future relationship between ENAAE and the Washington Accord, and possibilities of cooperation.

The decision was made during the Administrative Council of the ENAEE that took place in Brussels on June 25th 2019, and was prepared by participants of the meeting of the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) in Hong Kong earlier that month.

In Hong Kong, ENAEE’s new President, Damien Owens, was elected as the chair of the Governing group of IEA.


Picture from right to left: Damien Owens (ENAEE President) and José Carlo Quadrado  (ENAEE Vice-President and former SEFI board member)-at the IEA meeting in Hong Kong, June 2019.
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