The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
SEFI 2019 Annual Conference update before the summer holidays
We thank all authors …
We received a total of 252 scientific contributions by 30 April. We accepted 193 papers and 32 workshops, for a total of 225 contributions.
… and reviewers!
We wish to acknowledge all our reviewers, in particular Hannu-Matti Jarvinen, Ludo Froyen and the reviewers from BME. Authors can now rate the reviews they received in ConfTool and download an acknowledgement of the number of reviewed papers.
Final versions are due by 2 August
Authors will be able to submit the final version of their paper until 2 August 2019. Please note that at this stage of submission the authors’ name and affiliations must be present in the text!
Register as soon as possible!
The Early bird registration is closing on 17 July and we kindly invite all presenters to register as soon as possible.
Conference highlights …
We are pleased to announce our four keynote speakers:
– Tibor Navracsics, European Commissioner for Education and Sport
– Valéria Csépe, Director of Hungarian Accreditation, Professor of Cognitive Science, Hungary
– Jian Lin, Deputy Director of the Center for Engineering Education, Tsinghua University, China
– Xavier Kestelyn, Vice-President for Academic and Student Affairs, School of Engineering, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France
Our invited speakers will highlight the importance of constantly renewing engineering education in addressing many of the current challenges of our society. Popular examples are the digital world, the gap between education and working practice and the quest for sustainable solutions by combining interdisciplinary competences and soft skills.
… and satellite events
We are honored to host satellite events such as the Doctoral Symposium on Engineering Education, coordinated by the editors of the European Journal of Engineering Education (EJEE), on 15 September, and the council meeting of the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning (IACEE), on 19-20 September.
Our exciting conference programme is now available at: