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Engineering Professors Council Congress in London

14 May 2019 – UCL, London, UK. The Engineering Professors Council representing engineering academics in the UK organised a meeting at UCL.

Professor Anne Marie Jolly, the chair of the SEFI Working Group on Accreditation and Quality Assurance, was invited to present the SEFI position on accreditation and to debate with the UK academics on the topic of accreditation. She instited that accreditation is not the enemy of innovation.

EPC has developed a roadmap to ensure attractivity of engineering, inclusiveness, and fittness to the new challenges of society.

The event was a good opportunity to present the role of ENAEE with its Eur-Ace Label that provides guidelines end encourages pedagogic innovation and also the role of all agencies aiming to share the best practices amongst institutions.

EPC is a very good example of an initiative that other countries can follow!

Prof. Anne-Marie Jolly, Chair of the SEFI WG on Accreditaiton and Quality Assurance

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