7 February 2025, 16:00-17:00 CET
Speakers and authors Gordon D. Hoople and Cindy Rottmann will present chapter 17 "Institutionalizing Social Justice in Engineering Curricula" from the handbook.
Submit your paper and workshop on time!
We would like to remind all authors of accepted abstracts that the deadline for submitting a full paper and a revised workshop is 30 April 2019.
Authors shall be aware that their full paper and workshop will undergo double-blind peer review and we will be able to provide the final answer of acceptance or rejection at latest on 22 June.
When preparing your paper and workshop, please make sure that you follow our guidelines, available at: http://www.sefi2019.eu/node/5728
The review process has started
We are pleased to announce that the review process has started!
All the involved reviewers can now choose their topics of expertise and bid for papers they would like to review.
We have appointed specific people for the review of workshops.
All reviewers will receive their assignments after 2 May and they will be able to submit the reviews until 24 May.
If you have any comments, or you would like to act as reviewer and you were not contacted, please inform the SEFI 2019 organizing committee at: sefi2019@mail.bme.hu
We wish all authors and reviewers a great experience!