During the first week of November 4-10th November, took place the 69th ESTIEM Council Meeting…
Prof. Sirin Tekinay at IEEE EDUCON 2019 in Dubai
Prof. Sirin Tekinay, Member of SEFI Board of Director, gave the opening keynote of IEEE EDUCON 2019 on April 9 in Dubai.
This year’s EDUCON, the Global Engineering Education Conference, was themed “Engineering Education through Student Engagement,” and Prof. Tekinay’s talk was titled “Engineering Engagement through Student Education ,” underlining the reciprocity of education and engagement, with emphasis on diversity and professional identity. Tekinay in particular emphasized the fast evolving, widening, multi-disciplinary definition of engineering and components of the identity of engineers: expectations, individual’s self-definition, and social perception.
The talk carried the SEFI hashtag, overviewing SEFI and giving specific reference to diversity related work of our late Prof. Susan Ihsen, past Chair of SEFI WG on Gender and Diversity.
More information on IEEE EDUCON can be found on: http://www.educon-conference.org/current/