The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
6th European Women Rectors Conference in Malmö
13 – 14 May 2019 – Malmö University – Nordenskiöldsgatan 1, 211 19 Malmö, Sweden. The title of the conference is “Responding to Evolving Challenges: Best Practices for Women Leadership in Academia”.
REGISTRATIONS – Open Until April 20, 2019
EWORA cordially invites women in leadership positions at universities and research organizations, gender experts and members of higher education networks to join us at the conference.
Please click here for registration.
Please click here for practical details.
EWORA members get a special registration fee, please check out the below link for how to become member:
According to the United Nations figures, Spain’s present “pro gender equality cabinet” is a unique example as the world’s pioneer cabinet with the highest level of women representation. In this regard, European Women Rectors Association would like to bestow the distinction of “EWORA Honorary Award 2019” on Mr. Pedro Sanchez, the President of the Spanish Government. It is an honour for EWORA to present this award to Mr. Pedro Sanchez in a ceremony that will be hosted by the City of Malmö at Old Town Hall “Rådhuset” on May 13, 2019 as a part of the conference program.