The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Call for candidates: 2019 SEFI elections. Board of directors, President, Vice president
The 2019 elections will take place in September in Budapest during the SEFI general assembly. We are looking for candidates for the following positions:
- 7 members of Board of Directors (3-year mandate – 2019-2022)
- President (2-year mandate – 2019-2021)
- Vice president (2-year mandate – 2019-2021)
Please find below details relating to these positions that are open to all members of SEFI.
Members of SEFI, who have paid their annual membership fee and are interested in these positions, are invited to send a CV and a motivation letter and a filled-in endorsement form to the SEFI President and Secretary General before 1 May 2019. The applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors at their meeting on 28-29 May 2019 in Leuven. Candidatures approved by the Boar of Directors will be sent to all the members of the Society together with the invitation to the General Assembly.
All candidates are invited to carefully read the Statutes and Bylaws governing our Society. By submitting their candidatures, they confirm that they are aware of the required work and the activities of the Society (available on the SEFI website, in the SEFI newsletter and in the minutes of former General Assemblies).
For any further information, please contact Mrs Françoise Côme, SEFI Secretary General, at
All candidates must be members of SEFI. They demonstrate their willingness to be actively committed to our Society and they should consider the resources (time and funding) to fulfil their obligations.
Legally responsible for the whole organisation, SEFI board of directors (administrative council) takes decisions that shape the future of the Society. The members of the board of directors are asked to participate in three meetings a year: in April/May, in September (during the annual conference) and in the end of November. And participate in committees that manage various aspects of the organisation. Additionally, the Board members may be asked to represent SEFI at events. Read further
The President of the Society shall preside over the Board of Directors and the General Assembly and represent the Society on various levels, notably at events relating to Engineering Education in Europe and overseas. Every odd year, the General Assembly shall elect a President from amongst the candidates approved by the Board of Directors. The mandate of the President will be for two years and he/she may run once for an immediate second mandate.
Every year, the General Assembly shall elect a Vice-President from amongst the candidates approved by the Board of Directors. The candidates must be members of the Society. The mandate of the Vice President shall be for two years and he/she may run once again for an immediate second mandate – this means SEFI has 2 Vice Presidents at any given time. The Vice Presidents shall assist the President in his/her tasks.