The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
EBCC Model Project Presented on “RTU Career day”
ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership Project “Education, Business and Community Cooperation Model for a Creative European Engineering Education“ (EBCC Model) participants participated in the largest professional career orientation event in Latvia “RTU Career day”!
RTU Career Day, held on February 22, brought together a record number of participants – 140 companies, representing 37 different industries. The event was international for the first time, because German, Dutch and Estonian companies were also represented.
RTU organizes this event since 2004, where students can meet industry representatives and find job or internship placement and also information about particular companies. In this exhibition RTU informed industry representatives, students and other exhibition visitors about ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership Project “Education, Business and Community Cooperation Model for a Creative European Engineering Education“ (EBCC Model) (project No 2017-1-LV01-KA203-035426) activities, results and distributed project brochures. RTU project participants discussed with the company’s representatives about the role of education and the skills needed by engineers.