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CTI conference in Saint Etienne
As every year, many participants including foreign partners, came to Saint Etienne for the annual conference of the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur, the French Accreditation agency for Engineering Education!
The first session, held on Monday 11 February, was an international workshop that took place in Cité du Design in Saint Etienne with about 250 participants. The first round table was about Quality and Internationalisation. Maciej MARKOWSKI, President of ECA, presented “Evaluation and quality assurance of European universities” and Ronny HEINTZE gave a presentation about “Descriptors and indicators of internationalization”. A specific focus was realized by Mathilde Begrand from the National Erasmus+ Agency on Erasmus Mundus programs.
The national conference took place a day after, on 12 February, at Télecom Saint Etienne. This event had 350 participants, including many from Belgium. Karl DITTRICH, President of EQAR, made a point on the evolutions and trends of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Then Michel COSNARD, president of HCERES and Elisabeth CREPON, President of CTI (photo above) explained the development of procedures towards coordinated evaluations between the two agencies. The afternoon workshops were dedicated to Quality of Engineering Education.
These two events also aimed to introduce the accreditation campaign 2019-2020.
The presentations are available at the CTI website here.
The CTI conference will be organized in Bordeaux next year