The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
MIPRO 2019 – 42nd International Convention: Engineering Education
MIPRO is 40+ years old multi-track conference on electronics and electrical engineering.
Since 2018. MIPRO has a new track „Engineering education“.
The aim is to communicate ideas, research, work and results of all practitioners who are active in the field of engineering education from the perspective of improving it.
In today’s world industry is often complaining that engineering education is not well aligned with their needs, governments are complaining that the motivation for studying STEM is low, society is complaining about too few women in engineering, students are complaining that their education is not modern enough, not practical enough and not interesting enough, and professors are complaining that freshmen enter universities with ever lower competences and motivation for learning. Still, everyone has huge expectations of e-learning.
“Engineering education” invites all researchers and practitioners to share their activities, efforts, results and insights related to education of engineers.
In particular the following topics are highly encouraged:
- Educational Tools
- Educational Methods
- Development of Curriculum
- Use of Multimedia, Simulations, (Self)Assessment
- Virtual Learning Environments
- Internships
Research papers, case studies, course syllabi with evaluation, overviews are acceptable.
Official languages of this conference are English and Croatian.
Abstract submission deadline: Monday, 28 January 2019
but prospective authors can send their abstracts till 15 February to