The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Dear SEFI members,
We wish you steady health, happiness and lots of professional success in the New Year 2019! We hope you will have calm and pleasant holidays amongst your beloved people!
In 2019 we look forward to seeing you at one of our events. The SEFI Annual Conference will take place in Budapest on 16-20 September – the call for papers has already been published. Our annual Deans’ Convention will take us to Leuven on 26-28 May and just before the deans, the professors of physics will meet at the Physics Teaching in Engineering Education Conference, PTEE 2019, in Delft on 23-24 May. We will continue our participation in the EBCC Model Project, the PREFER Project and the A-STEP 2030 project.
We sincerely look forward to our 46th year of fruitful collaborations!
Warm regards,