The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Call for Papers: SEFI 2019 Annual Conference
16-19 September 2019 – Budapest, Hungary
You may submit your abstracts until 19 March at the conference website.
You can download the PDF – Call for papers
Creation is not finished! Roles and expectations for universities keep on changing in the 21st century whilst the mission of science, engineering and higher education remains substantial. Stakeholders expect academia to better promote innovation, reform the knowledge economy, and manage vastly altered student populations.Turbulence, interdependency and complexity characterize the operating environment which is also influenced by socio-cultural-economic, structural and political challenges. Freedom, openness and creativity determine the digital economy. Open content and free access to knowledge help keeping collaborative creativity sustainable. New generation of learning technologies and networks are ubiquitous and mobile which reshape access to and delivery of learning. Cutting edge fields are artificial intelligence, learning self-analytics, adaptive learning, new credentialing, peer learning, user generated content, revolution of assessment.
The themes for the 47th annual conference of SEFI are from but not limited to the followings:
- Integrated learning environments for the digital native learners
- Talent management
- Open and online teaching and learning
- Gender, inclusion and ethics
- Impacts of demographics in tertiary education
- Lifelong learning
- New notions of interdisciplinarity in engineering education
- Network Capital
- 4th Industrial Revolution
- Diversity in Engineering Education?
- Strong demand for democratic involvement in educational processes
- How to detect and attract talents with new generations of learning technologies and networks?
- New Complexity quest in engineering sciences
- Sustainability reflecting the complexity of modern society
- Fundaments of engineering education: mathematics and physics
Important deadlines:
- 19 Mar 2019 – Abstracts submission
- 30 Apr 2019 – Full paper submission
- 21 May 2019 – Submissions of other proposals (e.g. workshops)
- 17 Jul 2019 – Early bird registration
- 02 Aug 2019 – Final paper submission