During the first week of November 4-10th November, took place the 69th ESTIEM Council Meeting…
Survey: New initiative of European Commission on Aligning Advanced Manufacturing education & training with the 21st Century
The new initiative on the “Curriculum Guidelines for Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) and Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT)” has been launched by EASME/DG GROW of the European Commission and coordinated by PwC.
This initiative aims to contribute to increasing the quality and relevance of existing curricula and to promote better cooperation between industry and education & training organisations in order to align AMT education & training with the 21st Century needs. The outcome of this initiative will play a prominent role in forming the EU policy making regarding the upskilling of the AMT workforce.
We are pleased to invite you to validate the findings of the first phase of this initiative and to set priorities for the curriculum guidelines that are to be further developed within its second phase (January – November 2019). The curriculum guidelines will be developed for Europe’s education & training organisations, with an aim to highlight the key points of attention and good practice examples. You can provide your inputs through an online survey.
The survey will be open for inputs until Friday, 14 December 2018!