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Prof Johan Malmqvist receives the Leonardo Da Vinci Medal from SEFI

20 September 2018 – Copenhagen DK

The Leonardo da Vinci Medal is the highest distinction SEFI can bestow. The Medal is awarded once a year to a living person who has made an outstanding contribution of international significance to engineering education. This year, SEFI awarded the medal to

Professor of Product Development and Dean of Education

Johan Malmqvist

Department of Product and Production Development, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.




Professor Johan Malmqvist is a professor in product development at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. He obtained his PhD from Chalmers in 1993 and was appointed professor in 2005. His engineering research focuses on development methodologies and IT support for product development. The results include new design methods and IT tools, but also empirical studies of product development practices. The research is conducted in close collaboration with Swedish industry. Current projects investigate methods and tools for development of product-service systems and knowledge-based engineering tools.

Professor Johan Malmqvist is intensely engaged in the renewal of engineering education. As a dean of education, he is responsible for Chalmers education programs in mechanical, automation and industrial design engineering as well as the naval programs. Malmqvist was one of the co-founders of the Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate (CDIO) Initiative, an international effort that aims at developing a framework for improving engineering education.

Read the attached Leonardo da Vinci full nomination

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