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SEFI joins forces with 13 other university associations for the best Horizon Europe programme

SEFI continues the cooperation with 13 university associations in order to respond to the initial proposal for Horizon Europe (Ninth Framework Programme for Research and Innovation), that is the successor of the Horizon 2020 programme for funding R&I.

The outline of our joint statement asking the European Parliament and the Council to support Horizon Europe is the following:

  • Increase the total budget.
  • Review the budget
  • Put the realisation of the European Research Area at the centre of Horizon Europe across all pillars.
  • Foresee better linkages between research, innovation and education.
  • Include a human and societal reflection, as well as options for fundamental research, in all clusters and missions.

Read our joint statement: Universities united for the best Horizon Europe

We encourage you to share this statement further with #UniversitiesForHorizonEU

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