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UCL, CSU, TU Delft and SUTD universities ‘emerging world leaders’ in engineering education

University College London, Australia’s Charles Sturt University, TU Delft in the Netherlands and Singapore University of Technology and Design have been cited in a new MIT-commissioned report as emerging global leaders in engineering education.

Dr Ruth Graham’s ‘The global state of the art in engineering education’ interviewed 50 thought leaders in the field, and focussed on the undergraduate programmes offered by the aforementioned institutions. Initiated by MIT as part of their own engineering education development (or NEET – New Engineering Education Transformation), the report examines the institutions’ world-leading undergraduate programmes and pedagogy through case study examples, analysing in-depth exactly how students are being taught differently.

Such recognition by peers is a prestigious accolade for UCL, CSU, TU Delft and SUTD, who are all, despite their diverse locations and history, advancing engineering pedagogy through innovative programmes and dynamic ways of learning. Starting with UCL, over the next couple months SEFI will try explore exactly what each of its listed member institutions are doing so differently, and the philosophy behind their world-leading teaching.


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