Dear Members and Partners, We are pleased to share with you SEFI’s Strategic Plan for…
WEEF 2017 – IFEES General Assembly
On November 13-16, F. Côme represented SEFI at the WEEF 2017 organised by the Society for Engineering Education from Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur on “The Era of Synergistic Collaboration”. The event brought together around 500 delegates from all over the world who participated in the different meetings and events organised in this framework (see
Next year, the WEEF will be organised in conjunction with the GEDC (Global Engineering Deans Council) in Albuquerque (USA) on “Peace Engineering – Prosperity,Sustainability, Social equity, Diversity, Culture of quality, Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. It will be organised by the University of New Mexico School of Engineering, in collaboration with the Ibero-American Science and Education Consortium (ISTEC) and the Global Innovation Network for Entrepreneurship and Technology (GINET) will be hosting WEEF-GEDC 2018 Albuquerque in the United States of America between November 11 and 15, 2018.
Also in the context of WEEF 2017, was organised the IFEES 2017 General Assembly which was the occasion of electing the future IFEES President in the person of Ramiro Jordan, University of New Mexico (USA), President-Elect 2017-2018 and President 2018-2020 (succeding in this task to Prof. Michael Auer)
Furthermore, the IFEES GA also saw the election of new members of the IFEES Executive Committee (see with the election of Prof. LM Sanchez-Ruiz (UPV – SEFI Vice President) as SEFI representative. Luis succeeds F. Côme who terminated last November her second mandate as member of the IFEES Executive Committee and IFEES First Vice-President. Congrats to Luis!
Photo (FC presenting at IFEES GA 2017).