The 9th Doctoral Symposium in Engineering Education Research offers an opportunity for PhD candidates to explore and…
Although young engineers are often mobile and many find their first jobs outside their home countries, there still remain hindrances arising from the difficulty in getting their qualifications recognised by companies or local authorities.
Within the European Union, Common Training Principles for engineers have not yet been worked out and adopted; problems associated with the diversity of national regulations and requirements still need to be resolved.
Outside the European Union, in countries belonging to the International Engineering Alliance (IEA, comprising the Washington Accord), the authorities should note that the EUR-ACE® Accord provides the same guarantee in respect of the practice of the engineering profession.
To help solve these difficulties, ENAEE is publishing an official certificate which describes the main characteristics of the EUR-ACE® system; it highlights the joint agreement between IEA and ENAEE on Best Practice in Engineering Programme Accreditation (2015). The certificate is primarily aimed at national immigration authorities, but can be used by every graduate of a EUR-ACE® labelled accredited engineering degree programme listed in the official ENAEE database.
The certificate is being circulated to all EUR-ACE® authorized agencies so that they can disseminate it to the labelled degree programme managers and to their graduates. The certificate will be available in the Promotion Section of the Members’ Area of the ENAEE website .
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