International Networking Forum for EUR-ACE Accredited Engineering 2025 The forum will feature an engaging blend…
It has been more than a decade since the foundation of ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) on 8 February 2006, at the end of the first EUR-ACE project. On the occasion of the first ENAEE Members Forum (Leuven, October 18-19), ENAEE publishes “The ENAEE 10th anniversary e-book” to document the birth and development of the EUR-ACE® system.
The history of ENAEE and of the EUR-ACE® system illustrates the profound changes which occurred in the European Higher Education at the turn of the XXIth century. Hence, this history is not anecdotal and may be of interest to the engineering and education communities.
EUR-ACE® is at the confluence of two important educational developments. On the one hand, the “Bologna process” aims to build a coherent, compatible and competitive European Higher Education Area (EHEA); it focuses on the academic features of European higher education. On the other hand, the “Lisbon agenda” of the European Commission, aims to build a “knowledge society”, with a stronger focus on the impact of higher education and research on the economy and society.
In the e-book, the reader will understand how the founders of the EUR-ACE system have worked, with the support of the European Commission, to match the two complementary aspects of engineering education, and how they succeeded in building a qualification framework for future engineering professionals, coping with the diversity of the engineering professions and of the education systems in Europe and beyond.