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26-29 June 2018 – Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal.

SEFI and its WG on Mathematics would like to invite you to the upcoming seminar.

The main topics of the seminar will be the following:
• Putting the concept of mathematical competencies into practice
• Issues with, and good practice in, motivating students;
• Assessing mathematical competencies and understanding.
Other contributions related to the mathematical education of engineers are welcome.

Keynote speakers:
Edwige Godlewski – UPMC Paris, France
Jaime Carvalho e Silva – University of Coimbra, Portugal
Morten Brekke – Agder University, Norway

Abstracts of presentations, posters or software demonstrations (maximum 1 page) should be uploaded by January 15, 2018.
For instructions see the conference website.

Program Committee
Burkhard Alpers, HTW Aalen, Germany; Marie Demlova, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic; Tommy Gustafsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; Duncan Lawson, Newman University, UK; Brita Olsson-Lehtonen, Finland; Carol Robinson, Loughborough University, UK; Paul Robinson, IT Tallaght, Ireland; Daniela Velichova, Slovak
University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia; Cristina M. R. Caridade, IPC/ISEC, Portugal; Deolinda M. L. D. Rasteiro, IPC/ISEC, Portugal.

Local Organization Committee
Cristina M. R. Caridade, Deolinda M. L. D. Rasteiro, Maria do Céu Amorim Faulhaber, Maria do Céu Marques
Mathematical Sciences Coimbra Institute of Engineering/Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
Mobile Phone: +351 96 353 1884

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