From 24 to 26 March, 35 delegates from around the world gathered at the Royal…
This event organized in collaboration with Petrus Communication in CEDEP (Fontainebleau, France) is intended to make people of companies and academia discuss the topic of the Engineer of the future.
Many companies sent delegates for this great debate such as: Airbus, Total, Boeing, IBM, National Instrument, Quanser, Wargaming, Emerson, Schlumberger and many others. 30 delegates came from universities from all over the world and mainly the U.S.
The debate was conducted in small dynamic groups on predefined questions, such as the development of professional skills, the education of engineering leaders, entrepreneurship and learning to learn education, assessment of skills, employability programs in resource poor environment.
As there were the attendees came half from academia and half from companies, the debate was very rich with only few conference presentations. Dividing participants in small groups according to topics allowed a dynamic debate which resulted in new ideas on many subjects and the discussion was therefore relevant to all participants.
Prof Anne-Marie Jolly, SEFI BOD