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To promote the international cooperation in the field of engineering education, discuss the theory and practice of engineering talents cultivation, implement the UN Post 2015 Development Agenda and to help engineering education in developing countries, the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and the University of Tsinghua jointly hosted a one-day international forum on November 19 2015.

Over 200 experts from China and abroad participated in the forum.

The programme consisted of three sessions on Development and Tendency of international engineering education, on UNESCO and engineering education and on Engineering edu-cation in China.

Amongst the speakers were Profs. Lin Huiqing (Vice Minister, Ministry of Education), Raj Reddy (Carnegie Mellon University), Ed Crawley (President Skoltech University), Wu Qidi (Executive Director CAE/Tsinchua CEE), Hans Hoyer (SG IFEES/GEDC), Funso Fallade (President African EE Association), Tony Marjoram (Aalborg UNESCO Centre for PBL and formerly UNESCO), Lueny Morell (former President of IFEES), N. Balakrishnan (Indian institute of science), Zha Jianzhing (UNESCO Chair), Qian Yi (Tsinghua University), Zhou Xuhong, President Chongqing University), Wang Xiaochu (Vice president of the Foreign Affairs Committee of NPC and former Minister of Human resource and social security), Gong Ke (President of Nankai University and VP WFEO), Rovani Sigamoney (UNESCO).

Françoise Côme, SEFI Secretary General spoke about “Engineering education towards 2020: A European Perspective”.

Group photo

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