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“Successful transition for secondary to higher education using learning analytics” 
SEFI is happy to announce that the STELA EU ERASMUS + project has been accepted for funding by the EC. The project addresses the ERASMUS + main priority to raising the quality of education through the use of learning analytics and learning semantics (Priority 2).

To this end the project will develop, test, and assess a learning analytics approach that focuses on providing formative and summative feedback to students in the transition. On top of the development of a student dashboard, the project will develop dashboards for the student counsellors and teachers, hereby disclosing a vast amount of information that can be used to improve counselling and teaching practices. To realize this ambitious goal the project gathers a multidisciplinary team of learning analytics researchers, educational technology experts, experts in the transition from secondary to higher education, and practitioners. Thanks to this multidisciplinary team, the project will tackle all the different steps required for the application of learning analytics: data collection, data analysis, data visualization, dashboard design, dashboard develop-ment, and last but not least the actual implementation and thorough evaluation of the learning analytics approach.

The Project Coordinator/contractor is the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) and the project partners are TU Delft, TU Graz, Nottingham Trent University and SEFI. It is a three-year project (1/11/ 2015-31/10/2018).

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