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Professor Kamel Hawwash, immediate past President of SEFI attended the 10th World Congress on Engineering Education at the invitation of the World Federation of Engineering Education (WFEO) in Beirut, Lebanon from 29 to 30 October. The title of the Congress was ‘Engineering Education for Sustainable Development’.
The Congress included a number of key note addresses relate to the theme and included one delivered by Dr. h.c. Dirk Bochar, Vice President of ENEE on ‘EUR-ACE® Framework Standards and Guidelines’.Professor Hawwash’s keynote address was on ‘Developing Engineering Skills: An ongoing Debate’.  He took the opportunity of this international gathering to describe SEFI’s work on engineering skills and presented an outline of SEFI’s recent position paper on ‘Developing Graduate Engineering Skills’ which was published in September 2015.The Congress included a number of presentations by young researchers who eloquently described projects they are involved in on sustainable development which included great interaction with the public.

Professor Hawwash took the opportunity of his presence in Beirut to visit Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, SEFI’s first institutional member from Lebanon.  His visit to the impressive campus was hosted by Dr Pascal Damien, the Dean of Engineering.


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